

Journal of Historical Syntax (henceforth ‘the Journal’) is a journal run for and by linguists. It is committed to the mission of providing high-quality scientific content, made freely available for a scientific audience worldwide.

The Journal is dedicated to historical syntax. It presents theoretically-informed papers dealing with any aspect of historical syntax, whether diachronic change or the synchronic description of historical language states. Papers that combine philological expertise with insights from linguistic theory are particularly welcome, though no particular theory or framework will be given precedence. Papers accepted for publication are strictly selected on the basis of scientific quality and scholarly standing.



2.1. General Assembly

2.1.1. Composition

The General Assembly is composed of the Editorial Board, the Editor-in-Chief, and the Editor(s). The current members of the General Assembly can be found here:

2.1.2. Responsibilities

The General Assembly has full control over the contents, management, and governance of the journal. It is responsible for making the strategic decisions necessary to implement the Journal’s mission. 

The General Assembly is authorised to approve and modify the Constitution. Approval and modification of the Constitution requires a two third majority of the votes.

The General Assembly has the right to terminate the office of any of its members at any time. Such termination requires a two third majority of the votes of the General Assembly.

2.1.3. Delegation

The General Assembly can appoint one or more Representatives from among its members, who can act on its behalf in relations with third parties. The Representatives shall report to the General Assembly on any commitments they have taken on behalf of the General Assembly. 

Neither the General Assembly, nor any individual member of it, can transfer (their share of) ownership of the Journal title to a third party, subject to the provisions of Article 2.2.

2.2. The foundation Linguistics in Open Access (LingOA)

The foundation Linguistics in Open Access (LingOA), a nonprofit foundation (‘Stichting’) under Dutch law, is the legal owner of the Journal’s main title, Journal of Historical Syntax. 

URL: | email: | Chamber of Commerce: 63153254 | 

Bank: Stichting Linguistics in Open Access IBAN: NL31 INGB 0007 0451 54 |BIC code INGBNL2A

As a legal body, LingOA can have legal ownership of titles. LingOA has granted the General Assembly beneficial ownership of the title. The ownership of the Journal title represents no monetary value for LingOA.

2.3. The Editorial Board

2.3.1. Composition

The members of the Editorial Board represent the linguistic community in so far as they are committed to the Journal’s mission outlined in section 1. 

The Editorial Board (henceforth ‘the Board’) contains at least 15 and at most 40 members. Board members serve a three-year term, which is renewable.

The Board should strive for a composition which is representative of linguistic subdisciplines as a function of what is published in the journal, a balanced regional distribution across the world, and a gender balance. Selection for membership in the Board specifically takes into account the candidate's excellent standing with respect to previous service as a reviewer or potential to serve in such a role. 

Scholars can be invited to serve on the Board in view of their proven services to the field, and in view of the contribution they can make to the realisation of the Journal’s mission. At the end of the three-year term of the Board, the team of Editors and the Editor-in-Chief jointly put a motivated proposal to the Board as to the composition of the new Board. This proposal contains three lists of names:

1. names of individuals whose term on the Board is to be renewed

2. names of individuals whose term on the Board is not to be renewed 

3. names of individuals who are to be invited as new members on the Board 

This proposal should take into account the balances and service mentioned in the previous paragraph. The proposal is carried if it receives an ordinary majority in the Board.

Board members cannot simultaneously serve on the team of Editors or be Editor-in-Chief, and vice versa.

Members of the Board can resign at any time. 

2.3.2. Responsibilities

The Board has the responsibility, in consultation with the Publisher, for nominating, appointing, and securing the services of an Editor-in-Chief, and one or more Editors. 

2.4. The Editor-in-Chief and the Editors

2.4.1. Terms of office

The Editor-in-Chief is appointed for a term of five years, which is renewable upon mutual agreement between the Editorial Board and the Editor-in-Chief.

The Editors are appointed for a term of three years, which is renewable upon mutual agreement between the Editorial Board, the Editors, and the Editor-in-Chief.

The Editor-in-Chief can resign at any time provided this resignation is announced six months in advance.

The Editors can resign from their positions at any time provided this resignation is announced three months in advance.

2.4.2. Responsibilities

The team of Editors and the Editor-in-Chief are jointly responsible for the day-to-day management of the Journal. 

The team of Editors and the Editor-in-Chief can jointly appoint guest-editors for Special Issues and Special Collections.



The General Assembly can decide to engage the services of a Publisher to publish and disseminate the Journal. Since 2024, the University of Konstanz (PubliKon) has been the Publisher of the Journal.